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Fundación Llar de Mariola - Albergue Ull de Canals


The Foundation Llar de Mariola, intends to foment the defense of the environment and the protection of our surroundings, inculcando between the values of the society the Ecologia and the respect by the Narutal Means.

Plantación de Lavanda en flor ( Lavandula Latifólia)

In fulfillment of the aims of the Foundation, it will be able to develop the following activities:

  1. To sensitize to the society about environmental the ecologicas questions and average, with the purpose of obtaining one heals preoccupation to all the levels, so that the protection of the surroundings is considered like an individual and collective responsibility.
  2. To foment, to organize or to direct to courses, colloquies, conferences and, also, to make and to publish studies, communications and communications on the reality of our natural surroundings: The Narurales Parks of "the Red Font" and "the Serra Mariola".
  3. To the object to create an Environmental education Average of the childhood, adolescence and youth in the region, to annually summon PRIZES MARIOLA, directed to the scholastic population in its levels of Infantile, Primary, E.S.O. and Baccalaureate. The prizes turned on different matters: Plastica and visual education, writing and Literature, fotografia and image, etc. The corresponding bases of the different prizes will have to be elaborated by the Patronage of the Foundation.
  4. The promotion, as well as in its case, the administration and direction of youthful Shelters and educational centers on watch of leisure and in our natural surroundings, within one filosofia of sustainable Development.
  5. The promotion without spirit of profit of Rural Houses and Hosteleros Centers of education in the nature and sustainable activities of Ecoturismo and Rural Turismo. The centers will rely on the autoctonos culture, techniques and materials and will use to the maximum the resources available in the zone. The centers will distinguish by his armonia with the surroundings and its programs of activities in the nature, using of natural and sustainable way the resources of the Natural Space in which they are located.
  6. Those other activities that remember by the Patronage of the Foundation and that are deacuerdo with their statutes.

Ribera del Rio Vinalopó

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