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Fundación Llar de Mariola - Albergue Ull de Canals

Urban Surroungings

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Host the near municipality but and of the Foundation Llar de Mariola and Albergue Ull de Canals is Banyeres de Mariola. One is to three kilometros of "Ull de Canals" and in the same one he is intersante to visit the Castle, the Valencian Museum of the Paper, the Museum Aqueológico, the Museum of the Celebrations of Moors and Christians, the Church Parochial of Santa Maria, the Hermitages of San Jorge, Santo Christ and The one of Santa Maria Magdalena. podra to find all this information but extended in the pagina Web of the City council of Banyeres asi like in all those that we offer to him from the section of connections of our pagina Web.

Vista de Banyeres de Mariola
In a Radius of about 25 kilometros approximately from Ull de Canals and Banyeres de Mariola, are great municipalities with attractive turisticos as they are: Alcoi, Cocentaina, Bocairent, Agres, Alfafara, Biar, Beneixama, Onil, Field of Mirra, the Canyada and Villena from where visits of all type can be organized.

Castle of Banyeres de Mariola

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